Page 3 - What to bring
image by: Lori Geib
The Copper River is cold, swift, and unforgiving. It’s essential to bring a strong sense of personal safety, as there are few second chances if you fall into the river. License and permit
A sport fishing license and Chitina Personal Use dipnet permit are required. ADF&G sells them online or they are available at various sporting good vendors around the state. Make sure to print and carry your fishing license and dipnet permit while fishing or transporting your catch. Dipnet permits cost $15 and are issued per household, not individually! Permit holders are allowed an annual bag limit of 25 salmon plus 10 salmon for each additional household member. Gear
You’ll need to bring the normal Alaskan adventure gear: warm clothes, boots, rain gear, and a place to stay (camper, tent, motor home, or rough it). Local lodging may be available in and around Chitina, but be sure to reserve in advance if that is your plan. Groceries and restaurants are not always available in Chitina, so either bring food and cooking equipment or know that an establishment will be open.
The fishing portion of the adventure requires, at absolute minimum,
You’ll almost certainly want a number of other items to make your fishing trip much safer/ easier/less frustrating, including
If you intend to fish from challenging sections of the shoreline, safety ropes and harnesses to tie yourself to shore are highly recommended. Some fishing areas are inaccessible without climbing ropes. Do not bring kids or dogs that might jump in the water! The Town of Chitina Chitina Emporium
Chitina is a small town. Businesses come and go every year. Sometimes gasoline, groceries, ice and other supplies are available; sometimes not! We try to keep a list of active businesses on our website but cannot promise the list will always be up to date. Kenny Lake, 26 miles back towards the Richardson Highway, pretty reliably has all services.
Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703
A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.