This newsletter was originally published on or around April 18, 2019

Chitina Dipnetters Association Members:

Thank you to all that took the time to email and POM the Alaska Legislature in support of our slate of Board of Fisheries appointees. The Legislature voted and all but Karl Johnstone were confirmed. In a show reminiscent of the Judge Kavanough hearing, a minute before the vote on Karl's confirmation, Representative Ivy Sponholtz, of Anchorage area, stood and said more than two anonymous women, who worked with the BOF during Johnstone's previous term on the board, accused him of inappropriate comments of a sexual nature thus creating a hostile work environment for them. A vote to table his confirmation until Johnstone had a chance to defend himself passed by one vote. At the end of the hearing, a call was made to suspend the table and have a vote on his confirmation. Karl Johnstone failed to be confirmed. Here are a couple news links on the story.

Lawmakers defer vote on Board of Fisheries nominee after sexual harassment allegations surface
Democrats weaponize anonymous allegations against Fish Board nominee - Must Read Alaska

The Fairbanks Outdoor Show will be the weekend of April 26-28. We will again have a CDA booth there and are in need of Fairbanks and North Pole area members to help man the booth. You will not be manning the booth alone, as there will always be at least one CDA board member joining you. It's a good time and if you come in through the rear entrance of the Carlson Building they will have a list of our workers and you will be admitted to the show free. Below I have attached a time slot sheet for our booth. Pick out a good time slot for yourself and email or call me to confirm it. Please help us make our booth a success!

Chuck Derrick, President
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 72665
Fairbanks, AK 99707

Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703

A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.