This newsletter was originally published on or around March 30, 2022
Chitina Dipnetters:
My hope is in 2021 you had success in procuring an ample supply of Copper River salmon to meet your family's needs for the long winter.
As we start moving toward springtime in Alaska, issues and meetings concerning the Chitina dipnet fishery seem to increase as fast as the daylight.
With the relaxing of covid 19 restrictions, CDA will resume its annual in-person meeting in 2022. The annual meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, May 10 at 7PM in the TVSA shooting range building at 1230 TVSA Way, Fairbanks, AK. We will be conducting the election of CDA board members. F&G will be present to review the Copper River salmon forecast for the 2022 dipnet season, present fishery participation and harvest data from 2021 and answer any questions concerning their management of the Chitina dipnet fishery. A DOT representative will bring us up to speed on future projects planned for the fishery, continuing work on the trail between O'Brien and Haley Creeks as well as expenditures for fulfilling the garbage and toilet servicing contracts for the fishery. A table with various snacks (smoked salmon, cheese, fruit and vegetable trays, refreshments) will be available at the mid meeting break. Door prize drawings will occur throughout the meeting and CDA memberships as well as apparel will be available for purchase at the door.
CDA will man a booth and conduct a dipnetting seminar at the April 8-10 Fairbanks Outdoor Show. This is another opportunity for dipnetters to become involved by volunteering a couple hours at our booth. A CDA board member will be present during the entire show. It is a fun time and you will get to meet other dipnetters as well as educate newcomers to the fishery. CDA has printed a trifold handout giving a basic primer to dipnetting at Chitina. An informational flyer detailing CDA's purpose and achievements will also be available for handout. To volunteer for the Outdoor show, please contact Paul Harrell (
CDA memberships are based on calendar year (Jan.1-Dec.31) and most memberships are up for renewal in 2022. Please take the time to re-up your CDA membership on our website at, the Fairbanks Outdoor Show or the CDA annual meeting. While at the CDA website, check out the CDA apparel we have available for purchase. CDA is a non-profit all volunteer organization and we rely on your membership and apparel sales to fund our Chitina dipnet fishery watchdog activities.
Please consider joining the CDA board of directors as we need all the help we can get. We have 4 vacancies to fill. Either submit your name for nomination at the CDA annual meeting or submit it to myself at my email address. Also, if you have ideas for needed projects to make the Chitina dipnet fishery safer or a better experience, please bring your ideas to the meeting or email me at
Dip On!
Chuck Derrick
Contact us:
Chitina Dipnetters Association
PO Box 35230
Ft Wainwright, Alaska 99703
A 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.